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Window Tinting Service

With over 18 years of experience in window tinting, E Tech is dedicated to providing top-quality window films and workmanship to our customers. As certified installers for premium brands such as Rayno, Suntek, and Black Armor, we ensure that all our window films come with a lifetime manufacturer warranty. To guarantee a clean installation environment, we have implemented a fogging system in our Capalaba workshop. This system emits a fine mist or fog of water or specialized dust suppressant chemicals into the air, effectively reducing dust by causing particles to settle onto surfaces and binding with moisture to prevent re-entrainment into the air. As a result, this significantly reduces the likelihood of dust particles adhering to window films during installation process

Why choose our window tinting service

Over 18 years of experience in window tinting service

Over 18 years experience in window tinting service

Fogging system reduces airborne dust particles 

Defogging system helps to reduce dust particles airborne

We also do residential and commercial tinting

Residential and House window tinting
Window Tinting and Paint Protection specialist

We offer a wide range of top-quality window films from around the world, including brands like Suntek, Rayno, and Black Armor. These films are available at highly competitive prices tailored to meet your needs.

Certified Suntek window film installer
Black Armor window film installer
Rayno window film installer

We offer a diverse selection of window films, including the darkest options, to meet your specific needs

Provide wide range of window film darkest options
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